We tend to forget that our overworked brains need nutrition as well to keep our brains healthy and mentally sharp: So I’ve gathered together: 10 Tips To Keep You Mentally Sharp.


  1. Include lots of color on your plate: Load up on anti-oxidants with 3 cups of veggies + 2 pieces of fruit daily: (sweet potato, red peppers, green kale + spinach, white cauliflower, blue blueberries + blackberries, green apples, red pomegranate.
  2. Have carbohydrate at each meal: Brains run on glucose, but cannot store large amounts of it. That’s why it is important to consume carbs at each meal. Carbs promote production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter with sedative effects. Consume carbs at night promotes sleep. Choose complex carbs such as whole grains and legumes over simple carbs.
  3. Don’t skip breakfast: Skipping increases brain fog. Spread your nutrition intake over 3 meals + 1 or 2 snacks.
  4. Increase B Vitamins: Essential role in memorization. B1 (oats, kale, sunflower seeds, chickpeas) essential for brain using glucose, and B6 (salmon, sweet potato) B9 (legumes, spinach) B12 (fish + eggs)
  5. Good Fats Including Omega 3s: Good fats such as (avocados, nuts, seeds + olive oil) as well as omega 3S (salmon, trout, herrings) could reduce risk of cognitive decline. Eating a serving of fish rich omega 3s once a week may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease be 60%
  6. Drink water often, tea regularly and coffee in moderation: Dehydration can hamper concentration. Drink 8 glasses of water in liquids daily(such as water, tea) could protect your brain against developing Alzheimer, or other forms of dementia. As for coffee, to feel positive effect on memory, do not drink more than 3 cups a day.
  7. Limit alcohol consumption: Drinking every day and abusing it can have a neurotoxic + pro-inflammatory effect, even potentially reducing number of neurons. High alcohol consumption increases the risk of deficiencies in vitamins B1 + B2 . Limit to 5 days a week (1 or 2 glasses a day. (1 for women + 2 for men)
  8. Get active and relax! Physical activity increases secretion of certain proteins involved in cognitive function, of hormones and neurotransmitters that may have an impact on memory (such as dopamine + serotonin). It improves circulation, for the effective irrigation of the brain. Manages stress! Listen to music. Don,t use tobacco or cannabis, which affect concentration and memory in the short term, in addition to other harm.
  9. Stimulate the brain. To slow decline of brain function stimulate the brain, cooking new recipes, card games, exercising, reading, vary your activities, get out of the house, play an instrument. Isolation has damaging effects on the brain!
  10. Get enough sleep: Get lots of good sleep and let the body recuperate physically and the brain to commit to memory the information stored during the day. It is during the night using a complex and still little known mechanism, that your memories are put in place. Sleep 7-9 hours sleep a night and go to bed at regular hours even on week-ends.

About Janet Zdichavsky

About Janet Toronto Nutritionist Registered with I.O.N.C. and an Associated Member of Natural Medicine Council Janet provides nutrition counselling for all your health concerns, whether due to diabetes, food allergies, high blood pressure, obesity, asthma and the list extends much more, or weight /fat issues, sports nutrition, tranforming to vegetarian or just wanting to learn how to eat proper balanced meals. Janet is highly educated and experienced in the field of nutrition, natural medicine associate, healthy lifestyle, personal training background, excels with a proven weight loss/anti-aging program and has helped thousands in the GTA for over 10 years.
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