Immune boosting dish that is easy to make and can be enjoyed as a light meal or a delicious side.

Lightly Sauteed Shiitake Mushrooms over Red Peppers and Pepita + Kale:

This easy to prepare sauteed dish is delicious. It’s made up of immune boosting shiitake mushrooms that fight off colds and flu.

Red peppers that are high in vitamin C and a super anti-oxidant.

As well as kale that is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. All these foods are immune boosting and help to keep you safe and well

Wash all ingredients

Roast 1/2 cup of pepita that has been mixed with a little olive oil and salt.for about 10 minutes at 350

Cut up a bunch of kale, mix in bowl with a little olive oil, salt and garlic. Saute lightly in a large pan for about 10 minutes. (don,t wilt it)

After cleaning mushrooms, patting dry and slicing, On a stove top grill add a little olive oil, place mushrooms and grill mushrooms on each side for 5 minutes. total 10 minutes Do not over cook!

You want to keep as much as the nutrients as possible, so just lightly sauteed.

On a serving plate place the kale + pepitas. Add the red peppers on top and finally the shiitake mushrooms on the red peppers. Enjoy right away!