Nutrition Seminars

Nutrition ProgramToronto Nutritionist Janet Zdichavsky CORPORATE AND LEARNING NUTRITION SEMINARS

Janet,?TORONTO’S CORPORATE NUTRITIONIST is an extremely knowledgeable and inspiring nutrition expert who offers corporate nutrition & learning seminars, and delivers presentations at corporation workplace, conferences and schools. Nutrition seminars and workshops usually run for 1 hour and are tailored to suit your organization. They may be set up in your boardroom or other meeting space convenient to you.


?A Healthier tomorrow ?Increasing energy levels ?Anti-aging and longevity
?Disease prevention ?Weight loss strategies ?Stess control
?Eating right; It’s easy and it pays ?smart ?Food, mood and down to the ?core ?The skinny on fats
?Menopause, PMS and hormonal ?changes ?Fitness nutrition ?Preventing cancer
?Preventing heart disease ?Healthy foods to eat daily ?Food,mood and down to the ?core
?Nutrition: What is a balanced diet ?Navigating the food courts ?Lunch bag and organization ?tips
?Digestive diseases- Colitis, Crohn’s, ?Ciliac


One hour nutrition seminars $175.00 for under 20 persons
Check your health plan for special coverage
One-one counseling is available for those who would like to continue improving their health and special needs $40.00 session at your workplace, or my practice.

Contact Janet and let her design a seminar based on your organizations special needs.
Call: 416-494-0354
e-mail us: